Media Monitoring

Regional heads should work hard to overcome COVID-19 crisis as elections near: Home minister

Monday, 10 Aug 2020
Regional heads should work hard to overcome COVID-19 crisis as elections near: Home minister
Home Minister Tito Karnavian speaks at a press conference related to the government's preparation for the 2020 simultaneous regional elections in Palu, Central Sulawesi on July 17, 2020. (Antara/Mohamad Hamzah)


Parties get a head start in naming 2024 presidential candidates
Detik (,

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) was quick to laud the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212), who named Muslim cleric Habib Rizieq Shihab and preacher Abdul Somad potential candidates to run in the 2024 presidential election.

“Habib Rizieq and Abdul Somad have equal chances in joining the 2024 presidential election, just like political party leaders, incumbent ministers and regional heads,” said PKS executive Mardani Ali Sera earlier today. Mardani, however, said that nomination of particular figures was currently not the most important thing. According to Mardani, parties should fight to remove the presidential threshold requirement for the upcoming presidential election.

In response to the PKS, United Development Party (PPP) secretary-general Arsul Sani said that figures from the two biggest Islamic mass organizations Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah also had the potential to run for president.

“The PPP welcomes all religious figures who want to run for presidency. Besides figures named by the PA 212, there are also figures from NU and Muhammadiyah,” said Arsul.


Regional heads should work hard to overcome COVID-19 crisis as elections near: Home minister
Kompas (

Home Minister Tito Karnavian said that there were regional heads who still did not take the COVID-19 response seriously despite their high budget for the health crisis. That, according to Tito, could worsen COVID-19 transmission in their respective regions.

Tito, therefore, has urged all regional heads across the country to work harder in tackling the outbreak, especially as this year’s regional elections, which are slated to be held in 270 regencies and municipalities, draw near.

Tito said that the regional elections should provide the opportunity for regional heads to showcase their leadership abilities in overcoming the outbreak.


Govt urged to focus on overcoming outbreak first
Kompas (

Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) chairman Tulus Abadi has criticized the government’s COVID-19 response. According to Tulus, the government has been focusing only on the economic sector, instead of the health sector.

Tulus also said that the government had failed to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic considering the spike in COVID-19 cases. As of Sunday, the government reported 1,893 new confirmed COVID-19 cases, bringing the total number of infections nationwide to 125,396.

Tulus then urged the government to overcome the health crisis first before shifting its focus on national economic recovery.



Fisheries Ministry gets additional budget of Rp 474.9 billion
Investor Daily, (; Bisnis Indonesia, (; CNN Indonesia, (; Kontan, (

The Maritime and Fisheries Ministry has received Rp 474.9 billion (US$32.3 million) in additional funding from the Finance Ministry in an effort to accelerate national economic recovery amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The additional funding was provided through the issuance of Finance Minister Circular No. S-180/MK.2/2020 on Aug. 8. Because of the additional money, the fisheries ministry’s budget has increased from Rp 4.6 trillion to Rp 5.1 trillion. The ministry’s spokesperson Ishartini said the additional funding would be used to support various stakeholders, which include fishermen as well as salt farmers amid the pandemic.


Fitch upgrades Bank Bukopin rating to AA-
Bisnis Indonesia, (; CNN Indonesia, (

Credit rating agency Fitch Rating Indonesia has upgraded publicly listed Bank Bukopin’s national long-term rating to AA-, from the previous BBB+ following the acquisition of the bank by South Korea-based Kookmin Bank. Fitch has also improved Bank Bukopin’s outlook to Rating Watch Positive, marking a decline in risk and an increase in confidence. Bank Bukopin president director Rivan Purwantono said the rating upgrade reflected Kookmin Bank’s unwavering support for Bank Bukopin.


IDX halts trading in Sentul City following bankruptcy lawsuit
CNBC Indonesia, (; Bisnis Indonesia, (; Detik, (

The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has suspended stock trading in publicly listed PT Sentul City following a bankruptcy lawsuit filed by the Bintoro family. Ang Andi Bintoro, the family head, was a secondhand car trader, he established financing company PT Olympindo Cemerlang in 1987, which transformed into PT Olympindo Multi Finance in 1993. 60 percent of Olympindo stock was acquired by Japan-based J Trust Asia Pte. Ltd. in October 2018. The IDX announced that the bourse was currently reviewing the company’s condition and urged stakeholders to pay attention to official announcements from Sentul City. Since February, Sentul City’s stock price has reached rock bottom and traded at Rp 50 (0.34 US cents) per share in the regular market – or less on the negotiated market.


Govt establishes hospital holding company
CNN Indonesia, (

The ownership of seven state-owned hospitals has been transferred to state-owned hospital holding company PT Pertamina Bina Medika. The transfer of ownership was marked by the signing of sale and purchase agreements last week. The hospitals comprise PT Krakatau Medika, a subsidiary of state-owned steel producer PT Krakatau Steel; PT Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan, a subsidiary of state-owned port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Pelindo II); PT Pelindo Husada Citra, a subsidiary of PT Pelindo III; PT Nusantara Medika Utama, a subsidiary of state-owned plantation company PT Perkebunan Nusantara X (PTPN X); PT Nusantara Sebelas Medika, a subsidiary of PTPN XI; PT Rolas Nusantara, a subsidiary of PTPN XII; and PT Rumah Sakit Bakti Timah, a subsidiary of state-owned tin miner PT Timah. The signing of the agreements was witnessed by State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir, his deputy ministers, Budi Gunadi Sadikin and Kartika “Tiko” Wirjoatmodjo, as well as executives from various SOEs.