Media Monitoring

‘COVID-19 is no laughing matter’, says mayor as more local leaders test positive

Tuesday, 28 Jul 2020
‘COVID-19 is no laughing matter’, says mayor as more local leaders test positive
This illustration of the coronavirus was obtained courtesy of the US Food and Drug Administration. (AFP/Handout / US Food and Drug Administration )


President Jokowi’s brother-in-law withdraws from election
Detik (; Kompas (

Wahyu Purwanto has decided to drop out of this year’s Gunungkidul regency election following advice from his brother-in-law, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, and NasDem Party chairman Surya Paloh.

“I have been advised to focus on social activities in Gunungkidul,” Wahyu told earlier today.

Wahyu has also asserted that his withdrawal from the regency race was unrelated to emerging public discourse on political dynasties.


‘COVID-19 is no laughing matter’, says mayor as more local leaders test positive
The Jakarta Post (

Amid concerns over Indonesia’s ever-growing tally of confirmed coronavirus cases, several regional heads across the archipelago have come forward and announced that they have tested positive for COVID-19.

Nadjmi Adhani, the mayor of Banjarbaru in South Kalimantan, posted a video message on Instagram on Monday, informing the public that he and his wife had contracted the coronavirus.  

In the 2-minute clip, Nadjmi is seen wearing an oxygen mask while addressing the viewers from what appears to be a hospital room. “I’d like to remind all Banjarbaru residents that COVID-19 is no laughing matter,” he said in the video.

In South Sumatra, Ogan Ilir Regent Ilyas Panji Alam told a press conference about his COVID-19-positive diagnosis on Monday. Ilyas, who sat on a couch in his official residence while tethered to an intravenous pole throughout the press conference, said he had previously had his swab sample tested at Bhayangkara Palembang Hospital and that the result came back positive.

In Central Java, Surakarta Deputy Mayor Achmad Purnomo was declared coronavirus-free on Saturday after having previously tested positive for COVID-19. Despite the encouraging test result, however, Achmad is still due to remain in self-quarantine to ensure full recovery.


Jokowi promises nationwide vaccination program next year
Tempo (

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has assured that a nationwide vaccination program will be conducted next year should the Phase III clinical trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, which was developed by Chinese biopharmaceutical firm Sinovac Biotech in collaboration with state-owned pharmaceutical holding company PT Bio Farma, meet the targeted deadline.

“I believe we can overcome this difficult situation. We hope next year the economy will recover and a vaccine will be discovered so that widespread vaccinations can be conducted,” said Jokowi earlier today.

Bio Farma president director Honesti Basyir said his company was ready to produce 40 million doses of the vaccine during the first year of its production.



Govt raises 2021 budget deficit limit to 5.2 percent of GDP
Kontan, (; CNBC Indonesia, (

The government will propose raising the 2021 budget deficit limit to 5.2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has ordered her ministry to provide more fiscal space next year to handle the uncertainty arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, she explained. Previously, Sri Mulyani predicted the 2021 budget deficit to be within the range of 4.17 to 4.7 percent of GDP.


Govt to launch working capital loan relief program for large private corporations
Bisnis Indonesia, (; Tempo, (

Finance Ministry fiscal policy agency (BKF) head Febrio Kacaribu has said the government will begin providing working capital loan relief for large private corporations by July 29 the latest. The government will disburse Rp 100 trillion (US$6.9 billion) over the course of 16 months, until the end of 2021. For the first phase, the government will disburse Rp 30 trillion in working capital loans.


Bappenas: Unemployment up by 3.7 million due to pandemic
CNBC Indonesia, (; Kumparan, (

National Development Planning Minister Suharso Monoarfa has said his agency had recorded a 3.7 million increase in unemployment numbers, bringing the country’s total number of unemployed to more than 10 million workers. Suharso regards the 0.7 percentage point increase in the 2021 budget deficit to 5.2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) as necessary to prevent further increases in unemployment and the number of people falling into poverty. To combat unemployment and poverty next year, the government will design various job creation programs, particularly in the manufacturing, health, tourism and agriculture sectors.


Bali’s tourism sector to reopen on July 31
Bisnis Indonesia, (; Tempo, (

The government will gradually reopen Bali for tourism starting July 31 with the implementation of strict health protocols, Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Wishnutama Kusubandio has said. Meanwhile, Bali Governor I Wayan Koster has established two teams, one to focus on economic recovery and the other on COVID-19 mitigation. Bali has gradually reopened its economy since July 9, except for the tourism and education sectors. “The second phase will start from July 31 with the reopening of tourism businesses but only for domestic tourists,” Koster said.