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100 doctors die, MPR speaker urges govt to step up COVID-19 response

Wednesday, 02 Sep 2020
100 doctors die, MPR speaker urges govt to step up COVID-19 response
Medical personnel take a rest after conducting COVID-19 swab tests in Depok, West Java, on April 8.. (Antara/Asprilla Dwi Adha)


100 doctors die, MPR speaker urges govt to step up COVID-19 response
Kompas (

People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo has urged the government to step up its COVID-19 response to prevent the deaths of health workers. This was conveyed by Bambang after the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) reported that 100 doctors had died from COVID-19.

Bambang added that the Health Ministry and national COVID-19 handling task force were expected to directly coordinate with the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) to ensure the availability of personal protective equipment (APD) and the implementation of appropriate health protocols.

Additionally, health workers are also expected to undergo routine swab tests.


Scientists extend volunteer registration for COVID-19 vaccine trial
The Jakarta Post (

A team of scientists conducting phase III clinical trials for a potential COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech has announced that it will extend volunteer registration.

Team spokesperson Rodman Tarigan said 2,300 people had volunteered for the trial, exceeding the 1,620 initially targeted.

"We decided to extend registration because we're worried some volunteers will not show up. It's also to anticipate volunteers who don't meet our criteria," Rodman told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday.

He said registration would remain open until 1,620 subjects had been injected with the potential vaccine.

The clinical trials are conducted in six different locations in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung, including four community health centers (Puskesmas) that are located in Sukapakir, Garuda, Ciumbuleuit and Dago and in Padjajaran University’s (Unpad) hospital and health center.


Influencers only used for govt’s positive messages: Presidential staff expert
Tempo (

The leading expert at the Executive Office of the Presidential Staff, Donny Gahral Adian, emphasized that the government only used social media influencers to promote public policies and not so-called buzzers.

Donny said influencers helped communicate the government’s public policies to the wider public.

“Because influencers have a lot of followers, they can amplify the government’s positive messages,” he explained.

According to Donny, the government continues to encourage non-discriminatory law enforcement should a buzzer act out of line.

“Anyone and anything can be [legally] processed if it is reported and evidence of a violation is found,” he said.



BI: Indonesian economy to grow by 5.8 percent in 2021
CNBC Indonesia, (; Bisnis Indonesia, (; Kompas, (

Bank Indonesia is confident that the economy will grow within the range of 4.8 to 5.8 percent in 2021, BI Governor Perry Warjiyo told House of Representatives Commission IX members. The central bank’s prediction is slightly higher than the Finance Ministry’s estimate between 4.5 and 5.5 percent in the 2021 state budget. Perry explained that Indonesia’s economic recovery next year would be in line with the post-pandemic global economic recovery.


IISIA lauds SNI implementation on steel
Bisnis Indonesia, (

The Indonesian Iron and Steel Industry Association (IISIA) has applauded the Industry Ministry’s import substitution policy by implementing the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) on steel products. IISIA chairman Silmy Karim said the cooperation between the association and the ministry in implementing the SNI on steel products was necessary to protect consumers, create a level playing field for industry players and improve the competitiveness of the domestic steel industry. National Standardization Agency (BSN) head Kukuh S. Achmad said his agency would work together with the Industry Ministry’s Industrial Research and Development Agency (BPPI) to accelerate the implementation of the SNI on steel products.


PGN’s gas sales increase
Kontan, (

Gas distributor Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) has revealed that its gas sales had increased following the implementation of lower industrial gas prices at US$6 per million British thermal unit (mmbtu), as stipulated in Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial Decree No. 89-K/10/MEM/2020. PGN spokesperson Houstina Anggraini said the company has distributed 309 billion British thermal unit per day (bbtud) for 189 manufacturers since April. However, the rate of gas absorption only reached 65 percent this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Houstina said the rate would improve to 80 percent in 2021 and reach maximal capacity in 2022.


Telkom closes down
Antara News, (; Liputan 6, (

State telecommunications giant Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) has stopped all commercial activities in its business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce subsidiary Starting Oct. 1, Telkom will focus its e-commerce business on the business-to-business (B2B) segment. The shift is in line with the company’s long-term business strategy to improve profitability. Currently, Telkom is developing its digital platforms for enterprise markets, including Pasar Digital (PaDi) UMKM that targets micro, small and medium enterprises.